When I was little I was told that it was important to wear matching underwear just in case I was in an accident. Now I do not remember who said this, or why, or whether they were joking, but from then on I became convinced that if ever I was knocked over by a bus I would definitely not want a washed too many times bra and granny pants exposed (as if this would be my main worry.. hmm). Perhaps it was one of those phrases that has somehow stuck in my subconcious as I always feel somehow incomplete if I do not match, or at least make an effort to do so...
No matter what anyone says, I think lingerie should be designed for women, not for men (though I have nothing against Ann Summers, it deffinitely fits a gap in the market). Any woman will appreciate a beautiful, well designed and structured bra far more than a man who just wants to know what is underneath it. Therefore, lingerie is something I always buy and wear for myself. I really don't care if that includes Bridgette Jones style control pants, because at the end of the day, if they make me feel better about my body, and make a knockout dress look the way I want it to, then tough luck to all those who may snigger. On the other end of the spectrum, even if I am wearing the plainest clothes, or a stuffy business suit, knowing that underneath it all I am still my girlie self in pretty, feminine lingerie certainly gives me more confidence.
So with this in mind I wanted to share my recent purchases.
Today I went to check out the Harrods sale and after hours of drooling over shoes I wandered into the lingerie department. Agent Provocateur immediately caught my eye as they have such beautiful, unique pieces, as well as some scary looking PVC that I will not elaborate on.. eeek!! I have never bought anything from them before, although I have been lusting after their £200 corsets for some time (pictured at top)! Unfortunately none of these or their gorgeous silk dressing gowns were on sale, however they did have some huge reductions. I am talking about bras for £25 here ladies, and a swimsuit for £30... that is Topshop prices!!
Straight away I spotted this Monika set because it was wearable, yet had the cutest detailing on the shoulders. I have never seen a bra with little cap sleeves before. Plus they had it in a D-cup.. hurray!!
If you have a chance then do check the sale out and in the meantime here are a few photos from their website (note how the models are not over inflated for once!) that I have added to my wishlist for when I win the lottery...